57 MLB Players who attended University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1.Jason Anderson
2.Joe Astroth
3.Bob Barnes
4.Boyd Bartley
5.Chris Basak
6.Fred Beebe
7.Ethan Blackaby
8.Lou Boudreau
9.Jack Bradley
10.Jim Breton
11.Jack Brittin
12.Paul Chervinko
13.Jim Cook
14.Mark Dalesandro
15.Ray Demmitt
16.John Ericks
17.Hoot Evers
18.Cy Falkenberg
19.Darrin Fletcher
20.Tom Fletcher
21.Moe Franklin
22.Fred Frink
23.Red Gunkel
24.George Halas
25.Tom Haller
26.John Happenny
27.Ken Holtzman
28.Kyle Hudson
29.George Huff
30.Jeff Innis
31.Jimmy Journell
32.Howie Judson
33.Herb Juul
34.Bobby Klaus
35.Gary Kolb
36.Em Lindbeck
37.Carl Lundgren
38.Harry McCurdy
39.Sean Mulligan
40.Ernie Ovitz
41.Donn Pall
42.Big Jeff Pfeffer
43.Lee Pfund
44.Herb Plews
45.Ray Poat
46.Lou Possehl
47.Dick Reichle
48.Chris Robinson
49.Wally Roettger
50.Marv Rotblatt
51.Claude Rothgeb
52.Scott Spiezio
53.Jake Stahl
54.Larry Sutton
55.Carl Vandagrift
56.Otto Vogel
57.Terry Wells

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